Manage Your Diabetes With These Lifestyle Changes

Diabetes affects every aspect of your life, so it is time to make some changes that will affect your diabetes. Fad diets and temporary adjustments to your level of physical activity will not help and may serve to worsen you condition. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, and you will need to make changes in your lifestyle to see an improvement.

You must keep all your scheduled doctors appointments. Maintain a record of your glucose readings, so it will be easier for your doctor to treat your diabetes. You doctor will ask about your level of exercise, your diet and possibly examine you to discover how your diabetes is affecting you. It is extremely important to be honest with your physician. Your doctor will understand how difficult diet and exercise are for diabetics and can give you advice on how to move forward.

Diabetic medications must be taken exactly as prescribed. If you miss a dose of insulin, you may put unnecessary stress on your pancreas. Your medication is dosed so that your blood glucose levels remain stable throughout the day. Be careful not to take too much insulin, because that can create a hypoglycemic event. Have another adult double check the dosage, if possible.

As a diabetic, you should get your nutrients from fruits and vegetables, which are low-calorie, usually fat-free and packed with vitamins ans antioxidants. Always choose complex carbohydrates over simple sugars. Complex carbohydrates work to slow digestion, which leads to a slower release of sugar into the bloodstream. You should plan all your meals and snacks and eat them at regularly spaced intervals. Skipped meals can lead to low blood sugar. Overeating can lead to a spike in blood sugar that is sometimes followed by a spike in insulin production. If you plan on eating a sugary treat for dessert, be sure to avoid consuming other carbohydrates during your meal.

Consult with your physician before changing your diet or beginning an exercise program. Even a modest amount of exercise can lead to weight loss of five to ten pounds, which may be enough to improve your diabetes symptoms. Most diabetics are also diagnosed as obese, and diabetes often makes weight loss difficult. It is best to start slowly with a new exercise regime and make sure your activity is something you enjoy.

Stress can exacerbate the effects of diabetes. Although you cannot escape all the stresses in your life, you can find ways to relieve stress. Yoga, Pilates and other forms of exercise can help release tension. Meditation helps some people take their minds off of stressful situations and gives them a better outlook. Massages, lounging in hot tubs or simply spending some quiet time alone can also relieve stress.

A healthy diet, moderate exercise, stress management and medication can improve your health. These changes must be made for the long-term. Constant changes in your diet can confuse your metabolic system. Diabetes does not mean you can no longer enjoy food. You just need to eat less at each meal, and learn how to enjoy healthier food choices.