Get Your Diabetes Under Control

You can improve your diabetes through diet, exercise and weight loss. It is important to monitor and record your blood sugar readings regularly, so you can give your doctor accurate information. It is also vital that you attend all of your scheduled doctor’s appointments.

An evening stroll through the neighborhood may be enough extra activity to help you lose a few pounds. Just a small amount of weight loss can improve your diabetes. If you are overweight, it is important to talk to your doctor before beginning any type of exercise program. As you begin to lose a little weight, you can increase the amount of exercise you do and feel more comfortable with the additional physical activity. This will lead to greater weight loss and a greater improvement in your body’s ability to handle glucose.

Soluble fiber has a low glycemic index. It slows the digestion of sugar and helps prevent the overproduction of insulin by the pancreas. Soluble fiber decreases blood sugar spikes and helps the body’s cells become more sensitive to insulin. It has also been shown to decrease low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol), aid in weight loss and help digestion.

Increased exercise and a healthier diet are the best ways to lose weight. Do not expect to lose a lot of weight right away. As always, weight management is a process, and it takes time. It is especially difficult for diabetics to lose weight, because insulin resistance leads to an increase in fat storage.

It is important to follow the advice of your physician. Never begin an exercise program or a diet plan without getting your doctor’s approval. It is possible that you have other medical conditions, such as hypertension, that need to be monitored during physical activity. Monitor and record your glucose levels to help your doctor treat your diabetes. Make sure to get your blood work done each time your doctor advises it.

Take any medication prescribed by your doctor according to the directions. Never take herbs, supplements or other alternative medicines without your doctor’s consent. You must take each dose of your medication at the right time to avoid the possibility of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. It is also especially important to eat your meals and snack at regularly spaced intervals. If you take your insulin without eating right, you may suffer symptoms of low blood sugar. If you skip a dose of insulin, you may have a spike in your blood sugar and create a situation where your pancreas has to work too hard to produce the insulin necessary to counteract the increased amount of sugar in your blood.

Even a modest amount of exercise can help you lose enough weight to reduce your diabetes symptoms. The right food helps your body repair damage, control your glucose levels and decrease insulin resistance. Your doctor may be able to help you improve your diabetes with suggestions and new treatments. Joining a diabetes community online is a great way to stay updated on the newest developments that may affect your health.