Keep Your Feet Happy To Minimize Diabetes Complications

Each year the main reason diabetics find themselves in the hospital is because of infections on their feet. Diabetes is a disease that can have devastating and dangerous complications that affect your feet, unless you take preventative measures. Read on to find out how you can prevent your feet from developing any problems stemming from diabetes.

Surprisingly, improper toe-nail trims and poorly-fitted shoes are the main causes that trigger foot infections. Every diabetic should know that regular visits to a podiatrist for toenail trims and properly-fitted shoes can prevent them from having an amputation. Diabetes also causes poor circulation and a condition called peripheral neuropathy, which causes people to lose feeling in their feet.

How can diabetics protect their feet and prevent possible infections that could lead to amputation? If you suffer from diabetes, and have trouble examining your own feet, you must have someone else check them for you daily. Ask them to keep an eye out for swelling, blisters, redness, cuts, nail issues or bruises. Additionally, give your feet a warm, soapy bath every day.

One of the side effects of diabetes is dry skin, so use an emollient moisturizer to prevent flakes. If you can reach your toes and prefer to trim your own toenails, take care to do it very cautiously. Avoid cutting the nails too close to the skin or cutting your skin with the clippers. Your podiatrist would be much happier trimming your toenails than treating your feet for an infection!

Consider your circulation and watch the type of socks that you wear. If they are too tight, they can decrease blood circulation to your feet. If your socks are too bulky or abrasive, they can cause sores or blisters that could become infected. Because many diabetics suffer from the loss of feeling in their feet, doctors have taken many things ranging from pebbles to pieces of children’s toys out of the bottoms of diabetics’ feet after they have spent the entire day unknowingly walking on them.

Every cigarette that you smoke works to decrease the blood circulation in your feet, which makes it more difficult for wounds to heal. Even if you do not have any symptoms or issues with your feet, it is still a good idea to have your doctor examine them at least once each year. If you have developed any type of complications, such as neuropathy, a foot ulcer or poor circulation, you can protect the health of your feet by seeing your podiatrist every three months to catch issues before they become problematic.

Several studies confirm that diabetes complications can be minimized if you keep your blood sugar under good control. Many people live healthy and happy lives with diabetes. Diabetes can create nothing more than a minor annoyance in your life, or the complications from it could ultimately wind up causing your death. Fortunately, the choice is completely up to you and within your control. Taking good care of your feet helps them last, in good health, as long as you do.